Hey! Welcome to theboaringcompany.com. This is NOT boringcompany.com and is in no way associated with it or Elon Musk in any way. This is 100% a parody. There's only hats and flamethrowers lighters here, nothing more.

What's the status on those tunnels?

You're looking for https://www.boringcompany.com/ . I have no affiliation with Elon Musk, The Boring Company, SpaceX, Tesla, any of the Hyperloop projects nor the original uploaders of the video on the homepage of this site.

Who are you?

I'm a software engineer living in New York and thought this would be amusing.

What are you trying to accomplish?

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Self-actualization?

How can I leave feedback or contact you?

Feel free to reach out to me at: theboaringcompany@gmail.com